When walking around the historic downtown district of Newnan, you cannot miss the large building sign that reads “The Newnan Times Herald.” 16 Jefferson Street has been home to the Newnan Times Herald, Newnan’s local newspaper, since the 50s, but before housing the Newnan Times Herald, the building housed a plethora of businesses. In 1914, T. G Farmer erected the building and moved his general mercantile business from West Court Square to 16 Jefferson Street. Above “The Newnan Times Herald” sign, the building inscription reads “T. G Farmer & Sons Co. 1914.” In the 40s, Farmer’s business sold animal feed, overalls, plows, and groceries. Upstairs, junior high classes were being taught. In, 1956, Lindsay Barron established an electric, plumbing, and hardware store here. While the building still housed Farmer’s general mercantile store, in 1936, E. W Thomasson and his son James moved to Newnan and opened Newnan Times as a competitor to Newnan Herald. In 1947, the Newnan Herald purchased the Newnan Times and later relocated to 11 Jefferson Street prior to 16 Jefferson Street. In 1966, the Newnan Times Herald moved into 16 Jefferson Street, and this building has been the headquarters of the Newnan Times Herald ever since.
Historical Information and photos courtesy of the Newnan Times Herald and Newnan-Coweta History Center