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Become a Vendor!

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Apply to be a Vendor

Anyone who is interested in applying to be a vendor during the monthly Main Street Newnan Market Day may do so by completing the online application that is listed below!

All items sold at Market Day must be handmade, homemade and/or homegrown by the vendor(s) selling these items. Special consideration may be given to items that bring greater value to the market ("Value Added Products")

Acceptance into our market is strictly product based, and we reserve the right to accept vendors based on: qualifications, quantity, quality and craftsmanship. Please note that Main Street Newnan will not be able to accept all applicants who apply to participate in the market, we typically have space for 1/4 of the vendors who apply to each market.

Completed vendor applications must be submitted in full by the 5th day of the month prior to the event and applicants will be notified regarding their application status by email on/before the 12th day of the month prior to the event

A completed application consists of the submitted information that is required within the online form, including attachments and payment. Applicants will not be considered if Main Street Newnan has not received payment by "the 5th day of the month prior to the event".

Applicants must have an active email address to apply to the market. Applicants who do not receive a notification email after submitting this form should contact Main Street Newnan at (770) 253-8283.

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